Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting a straight Line to cut on Satin or Silk

Sometimes with slippery fabrics getting a straight cut can be frustrating,  With fancies like silk or satin you can find the straight line with a few easy steps.

Step 1:
Measure to the spot you need to cut, down one side (I usually apply these steps to the raw edge too before I start the length I need, to square it up) tiny cut is made, gently pull one thread (the one closest to the apex of the cut).
Step 1

Step 2:
Pull the thread gently and the fabric will start to gather.  Sometimes you can gather the whole width of the fabric, sometimes the thread snaps.  If the the thread snaps, move onto step 3 and 4, then come back to step 2 if it is needed.
Step 2
Step 3:
Smooth out the fabric and a straight line will "magically" appear.
Step 3
Step 4:
Cut along your nice straight line!
Step 4
Final look
Final look
This works best, I believe, with tightly woven farbics-- I tried it with a cotton/poly broadcloth and it didn't work as nicely.  However with a little effort, I am sure I (or someone else) will come up with the method that works best.

I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my mom for showing me this trick while making my wedding dress over 18 years ago.  Thanks mom!

Warmest Regards,
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